

  1. AP support team / Compliance team to prepare the agreement format and send the same to Business Partner
  2. Interested AP to get the agreement print on Plain paper
  3. AP needs to sign on all pages of the agreement
  4. On last page of agreement, two witnesses' names and signs should be mentioned
  5. AP will Courier the Agreement and hard Copies of Docs (B2B Manager) / AP support at Goregoan office

Application Process:

  1. AP Support team to print the application form on the letter head of ARIVPL basis all the documents provided by the Authorised person
  2. The agreement to be signed by Authorised signatory of ARIVPL
  3. Compliance team to upload the all the documents and application form on the NSE IFSC Exchange process
Note: USD 30 Charged by NSE IFSC Exchange is now waived off for the AP – Applications of Anand Rathi International Ventures.

Eligibility And Guidelines for Authorised Persons


Market access through authorised person base in india

Click Here
Annexure I

Requirements and Guidelines for Authorised Persons

Click Here
Annexure II

Application for Appointment of Authorised Person

Click Here
Annexure III

Application for Cancellation of Authorised Person

Click Here